2010 outlook read receipt
2010 outlook read receipt

2010 outlook read receipt 2010 outlook read receipt

This email read-receipt sending activity is not generated by SaneBox. In other words, when the unread emails are moved from the inbox to another folder, having originally been sent to you with a “Read Receipt Required” condition set, the automated Exchange server processes mistakenly send out an emailed notice back to the original sender with a faulty status update for the message. If you have a backlog of ‘Unread’ emails in your Inbox and SaneBox processes relocate some of them to new Sane mail folders like SaneLater, sometimes the Exchange mail server mistakes this for the items having been trashed when that’s not what has happened at all. Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 offer an option to notify senders when their recipients open and read emails they’ve sent.

2010 outlook read receipt

Dealing with 'Deleted without being read' notifications

2010 outlook read receipt